D515HFC281The HFRC has a number of items that you can use during your time at FitRec. In addition to the free towel service included in your membership, members are able to check out equipment from the Welcome Desk at no cost and is on a first come, first served basis. Equipment may be checked out using a MVCC ID, the FitRec App, or a membership key tag. Equipment must be returned a least 5 minutes prior to closing and there is a service charge assessed for equipment that is not returned the same day. Unreturned items within 3 days of initial check-out, regardless of whether they were lost or stolen, will be billed to the individuals account and access will be denied until the balance of the item(s) is paid. When equipment is returned, the equipment is inspected for damages. Members may be charged for damaged equipment and will follow the same policy as a lost or stolen item. Guests are not allowed to check out equipment.

Equipment for check-out:

  • Badminton racquet and birdie
  • Basketball
  • Boxing Gloves
  • Hair Dryer
  • Hand Wrap
  • Indoor Soccer ball
  • Jump Rope
  • Volleyball
  • Weight Belt